White Dolomite Squares Mosaic Tile


White Dolomite square mosaic tile for shower floors and wall, kitchen backsplash, bathroom wall or floors. Comes on 12×12 mesh as 2×2 pieces with the polished finish.

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White Dolomite square mosaic tile is for shower floor and wall, kitchen backsplash, bathroom wall or floors. Available on 12×12 mesh as 2×2 pieces with the polished finish.

Dolomite tile is a type of natural stone that is as hard as all other natural stones and they are they are very popular among the designers for their milky white background color.  The grey veining of dolomite is also lighter than all other natural stones.  Like all other white marbles, the amount of veining is what defines the price of the block from heavy veining towards the pure white. Lesser veining is more expensive. Pure white cuts are naturally the most expensive ones.

Mosaic tiles made out of dolomite are also very popular all interior spaces both for wall or floors. Once they are sealed, these stone are easy to clean.

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